A systematic study of the delousing and homicidal gas chambers of Bunkers 1 and 2 and of Krematorien I, II, III, IV, and V of the former KL Auschwitz Birkenau, and an investigation of the remaining traces of criminal activity.
PAGE | ||
Preface by Serge KLARSFELD. | 12 | |
Declaration by the Auschwitz State Museum. | 14 | |
PART ONE | Delousing gas chambers and other disinfestation installations | |
CHAPTER 1: | Foreword on Zyklon-B | 15 |
CHAPTER 2: | The Stammlager delousing installations: I The two delousing chambers in Block 26 II The two gas chambers on the first floor of Block 3. III The delousing gas chamber in Block 1 |
23 |
CHAPTER 3: | The prussic acid delousing installation in the reception building of the main camp (Stammlager) The 19 BOOS Zyklon-B gas chambers |
31 |
CHAPTER 4: | Kanada I and its clothing delousing installation, with the presentation of various gas chamber doors photographed after the liberation of the Auschwitz camp in 1945. | 41 |
CHAPTER 5: | The delousing and disinfestation installations of BW 5a and 5b, in KGL Birkenau | 53 |
CHAPTER 6: | The disinfestation installation of the Gypsy Camp in sector B.IIe of Birkenau | 63 |
CHAPTER 7: | The Birkenau “Zentral Sauna” with its disinfection autoclaves and Topf disinfestation ovens | 65 |
PART TWO | Foreword | |
THE SOURCES: List of contents of PMO files BW 30/1 to 30/46 |
87 | |
CHAPTER 1: | History of the Topf firm and its role at equipping the Auschwitz Birkenau Krematorien General description of the cremation furnaces produced by Messrs TOPF & SONS of Erfurt and that of the Trzebinia Labour Camp | 93 |
CHAPTER 2: | Krematorium I or the “old crematorium” of the main camp (Auschwitz, Stammlager) | 123 |
CHAPTER 3: | Bunker I or the “red house” and its supposed mass graves | 161 |
CHAPTER 4: | Bunker 2 (subsequently renamed Bunker V) or the “white house” and its undressing huts | 171 |
CHAPTER 5: | Krematorien II and III Plans, construction, and general study |
183 |
CHAPTER 6: | The ventilation systems of Krematorien II and III | 355 |
CHAPTER 7: | Krematorien IV and V Plans, construction, and general study. |
379 |
CHAPTER 8: | “One proof … one single proof”: Thirty nine criminal traces | 429 |
PART THREE | Testimonies | |
CHAPTER 1: | Critical examination of the “WAR REFUGEE BOARD” Report on KL Auschwitz Birkenau of November 1944 | 459 |
CHAPTER 2: | Critical examination of the testimonies of Doctors BENDEL and NYISZLI concerning the Birkenau Krematorien and homicide gassings | 469 |
CHAPTER 3: | The deposition made on 24th May 1945 by Henryk TAUBER, former member of the Sonderkommando of Krematorien I, II, IV and V. | 481 |
PART FOUR | Auschwitz and the revisionists | |
CHAPTER 1: | Auschwitz explained by the revisionists : “Vergasungskeller”, gassing cellar or gas generating cellar? |
503 |
CHAPTER 2: | Auschwitz according to the revisionists: Photographic exhibition of the famous holiday camp, KL Auschwitz, and “presentation” photographs by the Bauleitung |
507 |
PART FIVE | The unrealised future of K.L. Auschwitz: Birkenau | |
CHAPTER 1: | The aborted future of the Stammlager without extermination | 517 |
CHAPTER 2: | Birkenau 1945: the extermination station. | 533 |
POSTFACE | BY THE AUTHOR (The personal experiences that led him to undertake this study) |
537 |