Der Giftpilz
A Stuermer book for young and old Fables by Ernst Hiemer
Pictures by Fips
Published by Der Stuermer — Nurnberg copyright 1938

- The Poisonous Mushroom
- How To Tell A Jew
- How the Jews Came to Us
- What is the Talmud?
- Why the Jews Let Themselves Be Baptized
- How a German Peasant Was Driven from House and Farm
- How Jewish Traders Cheat
- The Experience of Hans and Else with a Strange Man
- Inge’s Visit to a Jewish Doctor
- How the Jew Treats His Domestic Help
- How Two Women Were Tricked by Jewish Lawyers
- How Jews Torment Animals
- What Christ Said about the Jews
- Money is the God of the Jews
- How Worker Hartmann Became a National-Socialist
- Are There Decent Jews?
- Without Solving the Jewish Question No Salvation for Mankind
Webmaster note: This book was exhibit 1778-PS at the Nuremberg trials.