The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Photo 30 Photo 30:
(Photograph by Maître Bernard Joeanneau)

Photocopy of a photograph taken at the Maidenek concentration camp in June 1979, showing one of the disinfection gas chambers thought to be a homicidal gas chamber. Between the two doors with their inspection peep-holes, the darker bricks are of Prussian blue color, a sign of prolonged use of “Blausäure/ blue acid”, in other words, hydrocyanic or prussic acid sold as a delousing agent under the name of “Zyklon-B”.

Photocopy 31
Photocopy 31:
of the Polish text:
German drawing of the new gas chambers at Maidenek. The building contained 6 large gas chambers suitable for use with the gas VENTOX, and 12 [8 in reality] smaller chambers suitable for use with the gas ZYKLON. The drawing is designated by the Germans as being for the installation of the water system. The project was not realized. Drawing supplied by the Maidenek Museum

Photo 32:
[PMO microfilm 1061, p. 16]
Photo 32
Radio message 13
SS garrison Radio Station Auschwitz.
Origin: WVHA [SS Economic Administration Head Office]

Received 2nd October 1942 in the Kommandatur of Auschwitz concentration camp.

Subject: Movement authorization
Ref.: Request of 2/10/42

The movement authorization for one 5 ton truck with trailer to Dessau and return in order to pick up material for the resettlement of the Jews, is hereby accorded. This authorization is to be given to the driver.
SS Lieutenant-Colonel
Permanent representative of the head
of the service with the rank of
Waffen SS Lieutenant-General
For file
Head of the radio station