The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Photo 20 Photo 20
(Photo by the author)

The “mythical” manuscript and/or “notorious forgery” of Rudolph Hoess' memoirs. Entitled: Mein Psyche, Werden, Leben und Erleben[My Psyche, Life and Experience] conserved in the PMO archives. Published in England by Pan Books under the title Commandant of Auschwitz .

Photo 21:
[PMO neg. no. 1255]

SS Lieutenant-Colonel Rudoph Hoess, former commandant of Auschwitz and then head of Department D1 of the SS-WVHA Concentration Camp Inspectorate, arrested by the British on 11 February [March in the public version] 1946 in Flensburg in the north of Schleswig-Holstein under the pseudonym of Franz Lang, after his appearance before the Nuremberg Tribunal on 5th April as a witness for the defense of Kaltenbrunner. Handed over by the Americans to the Polish authorities on 25th May 1946
Photo 21
Photo 22 Photo 23
Photo 22:
[PMO neg. no. 1251]

Ex commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolph Franz Ferdinand Hoess at the opening of his trial before the Polish Supreme Court in Warsaw on 11th March 1947.

Photo 23:
[PMO neg. no. 1256]

The accused, Hoess, founder of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during his trial in Warsaw, held from 11th to 29th March 1947

Photo 24 Photo 25
Photo 24:
[PMO neg. no. 1257]

Hoess, the technician of planned death, during the reading of the charges drawn up by Judge Jan Sehn.

Photo 25:
[PMO neg. no. 1259]

Hoess, condemned to death by a sentence passed in the name of the Polish Republic on 2nd April 1947, shortly before his being hanged on 16th April 1947 behind Krematorium I in the Auschwitz main camp.