The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Document 21
Ground floor plan of Krematorium II
[PMO neg. no. 20957]
Bauleitung drawing 933 of 19th January 1942
drawn by SS sergeant Ulmer on 19/1/42
checked by SS Second Lieutenant Dejaco
and approved by SS Captain Bischoff on 28/1/42
“Entwurf für das Krematorium / projected crematorium”

This drawing is part of drawing 933[1]. Comprising 933 (ground floor) and 934 (sections).

[At that date it was planned to install a new “normal” crematorium in the main camp, behind Krematorium I. It was not until the end of August 1942 that, now classified as worksite BW 30, Krematorium II, work began on it at Birkenau, where a mirror image was also to be built: BW 30a, Kr.III]