The Holocaust Historiography Project
Auschwitz, by J.-C. Pressac
Document 3:
Plan of Birkenau

Caption: Plan of the camp. On the left are the Krematorien and gas chambers
(from Langbein, “Der Auschwitz Prozess”, pp. 930 931).
Document 3

Translation of inscriptions
(from top to bottom and left to right):
· Bunker 1 (Gaskammer) / Bunker I (gas chamber)
· Verbrennungsstätte and Sallemgräber /
Cremation site and mass graves
· Krematorium V
· Krematorium IV
· Sauna / The “Zentral Sauna” disinfection installation
· “Kanada” / Kanada effects sorting plant
· Kläranlage / Sewage treatment plant
· Krematoroium III
· Krematorium II
· Kläranlage / Sewage treatment plant
· Teilweise ausgebaut, sogennante “Mexiko” /
Partly completed, known as “Mexiko”
· Neue Rampe / New ramp (where deportees detrained)
· Kartoffelbunker / Potato store
· SS Hundestaffel / SS dog handlers
· SS Unterkünfte / SS accommodation
· Kommandanture / Camp Headquarters
· SS Unterkünfte / SS accommodation
· Nach Auschwitz / To Auschwitz
· Zum Bahnhof Auschwitz /
To Auschwitz station
und zur alten Rampe / and to the old ramp
· Haupttor / Main gate