The Holocaust Historiography Project

Translation of document 3707-PS


The most important department in the OKW was the Operations
Staff — in much the same way as the General Staff was in
the Army and Air Force and the Naval War Staff in the Navy.
Under Keitel there were a number of departmental chiefs who
were equal in status with Jodl, but in the planning and
conduct of military affairs they and their departments were
less important and less influential than Jodl and Jodl's-

The OKW Operations Staff was also divided into sections. Of
these the most important was the section of which Warlimont
was chief. It was called the “National Defense” Section and
was primarily concerned with the development of strategic
questions. From 1941 onwards Warlimont, though charged with
the same duties, was known as Deputy Chief of the OKW
Operations Staff.

There was during World War II no unified General Staff such
as the Great General Staff which operated in World War I.

Operational matters for the Army and Air Force were worked
out by the group of high-ranking officers described in my
Statement of 7 November (in the Army: “General Staff of the
Army"; in the Air Force: “General Staff of the Air Force").

Operational matters in the Navy were even in World War I not
worked out by the “Great General Staff” but by the Naval

                                       [signed] FRANZ HALDER


Before me, Robert Benson, Flight Lieutenant, Royal Air
Force. 85862, an officer duly qualified to take oaths,
appeared Colonel General Franz Halder, to me known, who in
my presence signed the foregoing “Erklaerung” (statement)
consisting of two pages in the German language and swore
that the same was true on the 13th day of  November 1945.

                                      [signed] Robert Benson
                                               ROBERT BENSON
                                              Fl. Lieut. RAF