The Holocaust Historiography Project

Copy of document 3601-PS

                                         December 28th, 1945


Sidney Mendel, Doctor of Law, being first duly sworn,
deposes and says that, until the end of 1938, he was a
member of the Berlin bar and admitted as attorney-at-law to
the German courts. His legal residence is now 85-20 Elmhurst
Avenue, Elmhurst, L.I., State of New York.

In his capacity as attorney he handled numerous
concentration camp cases in the years 1933 to 1938. He
remembers distinctly that, in the years of 1934 and 1935, he
approached in several cases Frick’s Reichs Ministry of the
Interior as the agency superior to the Gestapo for the
release of concentration camp inmates. Frick’s ministry had
special control functions over concentration camps.

The deponent further states that he informed the ministry
about illegal arrests, beatings, tortures and mistreatment
of inmates. But the ministry declined the release and upheld
the decisions of the Gestapo.

The deponent is able and willing to testify to these facts
as a witness under oath.

                                     [Signed] Sidney Mendel.

Subscribed and sworn to before me at New York City, State of
New York, this 28th day of December, 1945.

                    } SS
County of New York  |

Mary K. Costello,
Notary Public, King’s County