The Holocaust Historiography Project

Partial translation of document 3348-PS

      [Verfuegungen, Anordnungen, Bekanntgaben], issued
                           by the
         Party Chancellery, published by the Central
          House of the NSDAP, Munich, Vol. I, Pages


Order 99/37 of 11 August 1937
       Admission of members of the Hitler Youth and of
                         the League
                of German Girls to the NSDAP.

The party is the union of the best National
Socialists. Therefore, it considers its most
important tasks to bring the best Germans into the
movement and to form from them the political
Leader Corps of the German nation. Only he who has
proven in the Hitler Youth that he is brave,
courageous, and faithful, that he can sacrifice
and is willing to subordinate himself to the
community; only he who sees his highest and most
sacred duty in the tireless service for the
nation, who never loses courage and never gets
tired and who faces with hard will the storms of
the time, is worthy to join the party ***

Order 11/40 of 30 November 1940
         Leader Replacement from the HJ. Leadership

To secure a full-time leader corps of the national
socialist movement the necessary replacements--
besides the training and readying of the leader
replacements through the “Ordensburgen” of the
NSDAP, and besides the supplementing from the
ranks of the honorary subordinate leaders of the
movement--properly qualified full-time HJ leaders
shall be used for the continuation cf their
political work in the party service, after having
resigned from the HJ service.